sábado, 27 de novembro de 2010



Who knows the demon that in yell and light
        Rides the sky in the stormy night?
Whose spirit was never enraptured
        And whose soul was never captured
By the whimper and the gloom
        Of the lost in their mourning doom?
By the hiss that trembles the air
        And the muttered words its moaning bear

Lonesome and terrifying aeons fly
        Grisly grim shadows lurking nigh
Engulfing, whispering, rising
        Spirits calling, spirits crying
Stirred standing stately still
        Chocked by the stormy wind chill
And the raging freedom bursting inside
        Release the soul formerly tied

O`er the timeless and shapeless field
        All the world ruined and peeled
O`er the titans` mighty wrath
        And the gods` silken path
O`er the muses` harsh tears
        All men shiver in ghastly fears
For they know, deep in their core
        They shall feel it, nevermore

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